Cletus Babu founder of Social Change and Development

Cletus Babu’s Story

Cletus Babu embarked on a remarkable journey of compassion and change when he founded Nirman Trust, a unit of SCAD. His story is a testament to the power of dedication and the impact that one person can make.

From Humble Beginnings

“When I started Nirman Trust, I had just Rs. 300 ($6) in my pocket, and three of us shared a modest 10m x 10m room. In our first year, I submitted a small application to Action Aid / Gorta, and that’s when our journey began. We started working in 14 villages, offering evening training classes and focusing on community organization.”

Community First

At Nirman Trust, community organization is at the heart of everything we do. Our primary goal isn’t just about how much we can accomplish but rather how much we can empower communities to achieve.

Challenges and Triumphs

Our journey has been marked by challenges, especially when working with the salt pan workers, who endure oppressive conditions. We faced resistance from money lenders and employers who were often hostile when we campaigned for better conditions.

To overcome this, we swiftly helped the workers come together, uniting them into a formidable group. Through education and training, people became increasingly aware of their rights and the opposition grew weaker.

The Power of Understanding

Cletus emphasizes the importance of understanding the people you aim to help. “Learn how to help the people you’re helping. The main message in the work I do is to love the people and to share in their lives to truly understand their struggles. I was a field worker for many years, living a simple life. That’s how it all began.”

Leaving a Legacy of Empowerment

Our greatest satisfaction comes from empowering villages to stand on their own. Over a hundred villages have reached this stage, marked by improved living standards, healthcare, reduced child mortality, and better education.

Achieving self-governance requires long-term commitment—typically 10-15 years—to build community strength and empowerment.

Get Involved

Cletus’s story is an inspiration to us all. If his journey resonates with you, why not join us in making a difference?